
The documents in this ePortfolio reflect the the elements of professional writing as learned in my course English 470, Professional Writing. Each piece contains many of the principles of good writing, or the 8 C’s; clarity, concise, concrete, complete, comprehensive courteous, constructive, and  grammatically correct. Other pieces practiced good design and formatting. For example, a press release should be objective in language, clear details, and absolutely correct in grammar, or else the writer risks rejection by an editor. All of these factors were reviewed and practiced in the class.

I became a student at Longwood with the primary intent of increasing my professional opportunities at the University and secondary goal of being a creative writer. Mt education is a long-term project for me since I am a part-time student. At end of each semester as my courses wrap up, I am convinced more and more, I chose the right major. The skills in this course will transfer to my daily job each day as I compose emails, design reports and produce social media content. It will also impact my creative writing, both as a fiction writer and in my blog Southern Horse Meets Northern Girl. This course was worth every minute.