Sierra's ePortfolio

Welcome to Miss. Garland's classroom


Service has always been a big part of my life. To me, service is exactly what our secret society states “service to the whole without seeking honor for thyself”. I believe service should be done for others and not just to say it was done. Throughout my time at Longwood, I have been able to better learn the definition of service. I always believed service was going out and doing something large for someone in need. I learned three things about this:

  1. Service can be the smallest of actions. It doesn’t have to be a large extravagoant act that everyone sees. It’s okay to do an act as small as holding a door, or giving someone a hand when it’s needed.
  2. Service doesn’t have to be planned. If you see somebody in need, spring into action and help. This is what Longwood has taught us, to be true citizen leaders at all moments.
  3. Service doesn’t always have to be for the homeless or the poor, it can also be for someone close to you. Anyone in need can be helped. They don’t have to have a huge need.

In all, service is an aspect that has been instilled in me through my 4 years at Longwood, and the Honors College reinforces this through having us volunteer when we first come to Longwood, and continuing service projects through HSA.

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