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Rhetorical Analysis

Written by Eric Schmidt. Comments Off on Rhetorical Analysis Posted in:

This paper taught me how to analyze someone else’s document and take away rhetorical tools and devices that the average person might skips over. By analyzing Churchill’s speech I learned some important ways to influence an audience through credibility, emotions, and just adding logic into a speech. I point out in this paper that Churchill brings credibility by being a general in the English army. He targeted his audience with a distinct purpose in his speech. He encompasses fear into his speech to get his audience angry at the German forces. He brings up that some of his armies have won against the German which raises their overall morale which allows them to have that fighting spirit and to not give up hope. At the end of English 400, I am safe to say that if I were to do this over again I would go more in-depth with some of the rhetorical devices that I analyzed. A lot of the ones that I analyzed I gave a brief description of.