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Written by Eric Schmidt. Comments Off on Home Posted in:

Hello, my name is Eric Schmidt. I am a senior here at Longwood and majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Cyber Security. I have been in the field of study since my Sophmore year. I originally came to Longwood undeclared, but after I took a Computer Science course I found my passion. Typically, like all Computer Scientists, I spend my days alone in the lab sitting in front of a computer. If that gives you an idea of how I am, but for about 15 years I have been volunteering at ASPCA and at Children Miracle Network. During my senior year, I have written numerous journal entries, papers, and have done a couple of group projects. I am using this website/blog to go over these assignments and reflect on what I have learned. In ENGL 400 I have learned to target rhetorical devices either to give my paper more reasoning, emotion, or morals. ENGL 400 has also turned me into an active citizen with an agency to begin enacting change through written communication.

Course Learning Outcomes:

1) engage in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives on important public issues.
2) understand the nature of public discourse/debate as determined by purpose, audience, and context.
3) choose appropriate formats in writing for a variety of purposes.
4) analyze the effectiveness of their own texts and processes for specific rhetorical situations.
5) understand how the knowledge, skills, and values learned in general education are interwoven and interrelated, and how they can contribute to the process of citizen leadership.