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Common Good Project

Written by Eric Schmidt. Comments Off on Common Good Project Posted in:


Above is a link to my group’s Common Good Project. The Common Group Project was good in the sense that it covered the first outcome of the class ( engage in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives. By putting into groups of three or more, we each got at least two other people’s perspectives on the subject manner. It also covered Outcomes two and three and four. We had to pick a purpose for choosing the subject that we did, we had to change our writing style to accommodate our audience. We also had to choose between a couple different writing formats to either inform the audience or to entertain the audience. From doing the Common Good Project I can look back on the other papers/ journal entries I wrote and decide what I would do differently. Either by adding more rhetorical devices into my writing or by including a more defined purpose targeted to a more specific audience. Also, I would probably leave out all of the logical fallacies that I learned about over the course.