When you get to Longwood on that first day of honors retreat, the first thing you hear rumblings of is that “honors is family”. As a freshman, I wasn’t sure what this meant or if there was any truth to it, but looking back now I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Arriving on the first day of the honors retreat you are immediately hit with a sense of community. Several students approach your car and start to unload your things and you immediately start to feel the sense of community. As the retreat continues you really begin to see how special of a place Longwood is and how tight the honors community is. Honors is where you find your best friends and really gain that sense of family everyone talks about.
While honors started this community for me, it has grown all throughout campus. The best thing about walking down Brock Commons is that you can always see someone you know, whether that be a professor or a student. To an outsider, the community at Longwood can’t be recognized, but from the inside its unexplainable and it’s the best part of our college experience.