This class was one of the honors classes I was most excited to take. I love children’s books, and I was so excited to get graded on reading and discussing them. Our class focused on adaptations of mysteries, so we read a lot of Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys, which I found really fun. The honors component of our class, in fact the only thing we worked on the entire semester, was a paper on the topic of our choosing that would eventually be submitted to a publisher of a magazine. The paper had to deal with adaptations of some kind and could not be based off of any of the books we had read in class. I chose to write about Amelia Bedelia because she was one of my favorite books as a child and she had several adaptations of her original books. The paper was quite lengthy and definitely challenging at times to write due to all the criticism that came from not only our professor but our peers, but in the end the final product was something I became quite proud of. The class was overall challenging, but very fun and interesting, both of which I think are required in a successful honors class.
Attached is my final paper called Infantilizing Adults: Amelia Bedelia’s Anachronistic Journey Backwords.