My name is Grace Girdley and I am a sophomore at Longwood University. I am currently majoring in English with a concentration in professional writing! The creation of this blog is for my English 301: Rhetorical Criticism class and I will be using it to analyze and discuss different kinds of pop culture, film, and multimodal texts. I have taken a Technical Writing class in the past that helped me develop more knowledge in rhetoric and hope that it will benefit me as I dive into these posts. I also want to let readers have the chance to see how rhetorical criticism plays a part in things they interact with almost every day!
Anyone will be able to benefit from this blog because it is going to be relevant to all age groups, but it is mainly for my professor Dr. Guler and my classmates! Although there will be different posts that can be relevant to others because they may be a college student or just because they enjoy the context of this blog! I hope that whoever is reading this can sit back and enjoy what they read!