Goal 1.4

Goal 1.4 states that “students will be able to analyze critically and apply the major principles of organismal biology.”

Organismal biology is one thing that I wish I was able to focus more on while I was at Longwood. In BIOL 120 we learned a little bit about basic human anatomy, but it was mostly focused on animals and plants. In BIOL 301, I loved learning about the bones and muscles and how our body moves. This class was one of the most challenging classes I have taken, but I enjoyed it a lot because the information was all new and interesting. This class also gave me a little glimpse into what I can expect from dental school, which made me even more excited to apply. We did a semester long lab project, and my group focused on balance and mobility. This was a super cool topic to research, and doing our experiment was a lot of fun. We made a poster for our final presentation, but the actual research day was virtual because of the pandemic. I would have liked to get more in person opportunities to present, but we were able to record it asynchronously and answer questions from people. 

Now, I feel more prepared for my future in dental school. Having background knowledge of human anatomy and physiology will be helpful for picturing impacts on oral health and the whole body.

Later this semester, I will also be taking BIOL 302, which focuses on more specific systems of the body. I am excited to see what we learn and how I can apply it to my future.