Goal 2.2

Goal 2.2 states that “students will be able to analyze data quantitatively and draw appropriate conclusions.”

In many of the projects I have worked on, there is always a lot of quantitative data to analyze. I learned early on that I struggle a lot, especially when statistical tests are used. In BIOL 251, I learned a lot about analyzing my data, and after that semester I felt a lot more comfortable working with numbers in my data. I learned how to run ANOVA tests to find significance in my results, and also learned how to use the R software to make graphs and easily compare my data. 

In BIOL 342, we did not do a semester long project, so each week in lab we had mini lectures and analyzed a lot of data. This was a biogeography class, so a lot of the material was about maps and tracking movement of different land masses. I quickly became comfortable looking at large groups of numbers in my data and figuring out the best way to organize and interpret it. There is no artifact from this lab because everything was done over Zoom, but the information I learned is very valuable and I still use a lot of the knowledge in my classes now. 

BIOL 251 report https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-mXaY72WeQHrArLUQBAb-StVH18L2QcvE0VPgN19K8M/edit?usp=sharing