About School Safety

August 25th, 2018 § Comments Off on About School Safety § permalink

Welcome to my Longwood Blog! 

For those who do not know me I’m currently an education major at Longwood. I have been very passionate about education since a young age and have always seen myself being a teacher. In high school I took a student internship course called Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow. I applied for a scholarship and won a guaranteed teaching position in the Virginia Beach public school system. Coming to Longwood has definitely reassured my passion to teach. With that being said,  I find it very important to keep up with current events relating to changes or incidences in the public school system.  In recent years teachers, in public school systems, safety has been at risk in the classroom. Most public schools are drug free and gun free zones. However with the rise in school shootings I feel that teachers should be allowed a source of protection not only for themselves but for students. A recent article in the New York Times discusses how Texas education secretary is examining “whether to allow states to tap the school enrichment fund for another purpose: guns.” While this may undermine congress I believe that if teachers have the right training it can be successful. Doing so will assures student and teacher safety and hopefully reduce the amount of school shooting incidences.

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