Freshman Year Honors Courses

Honors CTZN 110:

This honors class was very similar to an Intro to Ethics class. I learned a lot from Dr. Blincoe about philosophy and its application in my life. I still think about the concepts from this class and I feel they will continue to shape my beliefs throughout my college life. For this class, we watched the movie Juno and applied the topics we discussed pertaining to abortion. Being able to see a real life application of the class concepts was very interesting and it allowed me to stay intrigued and kept me thinking.

Reflecting on this class, I was introduced to a new style of learning where I read and had to interpret it myself to be able to apply it to the lecture and be able to understand and ask questions. My reading techniques grew a lot in this class and I feel like a more confident reader and note taker now. I have been able to use skills learned in this class in my other classes and real life.

I wrote a reflection on the movie, Juno and how it related to our class topics.

Honors 495 Love, Sex & Friendship:

For my Love, Sex & Friendship class with Dr. Blincoe, I was able to create a fake wedding toast for my final research project. I loved this project because I felt like I could make it my own in a unique way and it also was an interesting way to relate the various information we had learned throughout the semester. This class was very interesting and being a young adult had a large application in my life. It had great topics that allowed for long discussion and allowed classmates to share their personal views and extend each of our beliefs on the concepts.

Reflecting on this class, I think I see relationships in a more mature way from reading the philosophical literature. I was amazed at  how easily I could apply the theories and concepts to my own relationships. After this class, I saw myself thinking of philosophers when thinking about my friends and family. It is very cool to see how much the information can apply to life and almost everything around you.