Honors Courses

One of the Honors courses I took was Ethics to Love, Sex, and Friendship. This class was defiantly interesting we talked all about philosophy but also about normal things. We talked about the importance of a relationship and what you have to put in it to get out what you need and want. This could be put for romantic or just friends. We talked about all these issues at different perspectives such as a social psychology point, feminist, and of course philosopher. Below is my final reflection on the class.

Personal Reflection

My CTZN class which was a honors course was on sustainability. I learned how the dining hall has a compound, or how we recycle a lot of things on this campus. We even have a team of students who work on ways Longwood could become more eco-friendly. What I focused on in this class is how much water we use on campus and the use of water bottle friendly water fountains. It was kind of shocking how little water bottle friendly water fountains we have on this campus compared to regular water fountains. I had to talk and interview a lot of people to get my information because not a lot of colleges are water friendly. Below is my final project for the class displaying all of my research and any information gathered over the semester.


Another class that I took to fulfill this requirement is English 210 Tales on the Frontier. This class was a heavy reading based class but we discussed each book to a good length. We discussed the politics, psychology, history, and basic humanities of the people we read about. We talked about how frontiers are different then they were back then and how the struggles are different in a vast majority. Below is a paper I wrote on feminism being a frontier. I explain how Feminism is a frontier and it’s a growing one but I connect it to the books we read and explained the differences.

Feminist paper