Spanish 105-Intensive Elementary I-II Spanish


This oral presentation, written by myself and James Foster in April 2017, was written to show our understanding of the spanish language as well as our ability to hold a basic conversation.


In Spanish 105 we went over mostly things from spanish classes in high school but gained a better understanding of the grammatical rules. The course was highly speaking intensive, requiring conversations in spanish often. Throughout this course I was able to gain more confidence in my ability to speak spanish and understand what I was saying and the way in which I was saying it. The oral presentation above was presented towards the end of the semester. It shows the growth of my confidence in my speaking ability to be able to hold a conversation that flowed fluently without hesitation. Looking back at the assignment I wish I had done more of it unscripted. However, after taking the class I discovered that I have a great interest in furthering my education of the spanish language and have therefore set a goal to minor in spanish.