Dear Gabby,
You’ve almost made it through all of your 4 years (hopefully only 4) of college! I hope it was everything you wanted it to be.
I hope that as of now you’re still in the nursing program, preparing for your pinning ceremony and NCLUX exam. You will have gained tons more knowledge about the nursing field than I know as I write this and I hope that it does nothing but grow your passion for the profession.
As I write this I know that I have hopes to declare a spanish minor and I’ve applied to study abroad in Spain next summer. I wonder if that’ll happen and if it does (/did in your case) was it the time of your life? If you are about to successfully complete a minor in spanish was it worth all the summer and winter intersessions I signed up for? I hope so, and I hope you’ve figured out a little more about what you want to do with your major and hopefully minor. As of now I know I want to work in either pediatrics or trauma. However, I’ve also considered the peace corps. as an after college option. Whichever, if any, of those you choose, I wish you the best of luck in wherever it takes you!
Additionally, I hope you’ve remained enthusiastically active in all of your organizations! I hope you’ve continued to hold leadership positions and that you’ve grown to love all of them as much as you did when you first joined them!
Good luck in all of your future endeavors,
Sincerely yours(literally),
Gabby Ewell