
My ePortfolio includes entries and projects that I have completed for my English 400 course. Demonstrated in my pages, I have completed Course Journals, a Rhetorical Analysis, and everything that went into the Common Good Project. I have also included my reflections of each assignment on the pages. Completing these assignments has made me aware of citizen leadership and how to expand my knowledge of this outside the classroom.  Having the opportunity to spread awareness with oral presentations and brochures, has helped me learn to become a citizen leader and all that it entails. Having the opportunity to work with people has shown me the large impact groups have on becoming citizen leaders and spreading awareness to society. I plan to take what I have learned in this course and apply it not only inside the classroom but outside as well. The course learning outcomes displayed on my home page have also helped me learn and display active leadership through the assignments I have completed throughout this semester. The skills that I have learned in this class will help me in future business aspects.