My time in world literature was definitely a ride. I was honestly dreading this class because of all the papers I though I was going to have to write. However going into the first day, I realized that I was only going to have to write weekly responses that were only about 250-350 words long (example of one below) and that the “big papers” would just be the midterm exam and final exam, both being only about 5 paragraphs long. This class would always crack me up and give me the giggles because we would try to bring the books that we were reading into the 21st century so to say. Many of my notes I took during that class would probably make any other literature professor be flabbergasted, but with my professor, it was an everyday class discussion. The way that we discussed the books that we read, I believe aided most everyone in the class to remember what the books were about since we talked about them in a fairly amusing way.