
Throughout the semester, we did four different journal entries based on content we learned in class and course readings. Two journals, “Rhetorical Situation” and “Identifying the Appeals and Fallacies”, allowed me to reflect on the rhetorical situation: rhetor, message, context, audience, and purpose as well as the three Aristotle appeals: ethos, pathos, and logos. I was able to incorporate them into my big rhetorical analysis paper later on in the semester. For example, these two journals allowed me to know how to write and format my rhetorical analysis paper based on the audience I was targeting as well as the type of emotions that would most effectively get the audiences attention, statistics to back up my argument, and how to find what sources would make my paper more reliable. The two others, “Rhetoric of Hitler’s Battle” and “Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience” allowed me to have a greater understanding of the course readings by analyzing them to have a better understanding of their content as well as how they were able to grab the audiences attention through appeals and logical fallacies. Through course journals, I had a difficult time finding logical fallacies or deciding how they could be used in my paper because logical fallacies were a concept that was just hard for me to really grasp. I overcame this by continually reading over my notes and using them while writing my journals until I could grasp the information better. I could still use some work on logical fallacies, but I have definitely improved significantly.