I have always been, for lack of a better term, very anal about my grades. Never have I received a grade less than perfect in many of my classes, and when even receiving an average grade, it was never enough. It is no surprise that the same student who has always been absolutely on top of their grades is in the honors college. Honors have pushed me to maintain a 3.25 GPA and have made me hold myself to a higher standard than much of the student body. They encourage us through giving us the resources to help when we may be just a little under and cheered us on when we had our own personal victories of raising our grade in that class that was giving us a hard time. As honors students, we are given the first priority when selecting classes, which helps me be sure that I am immediately in the classes I may need for my degree, which can fill up rather quickly. Honors courses give us a more hands-on, immerse experience when it comes to learning, which helps prepare us for the real world, in which we will not be receiving all of our lessons from slideshows, but from practical, hands-on experiences. These courses have shaped me into the student I am now, and I am forever thankful for how important scholarship is to the Honors community.