American Government and Politics (POSC 150)

In Political Science 150: American Government and Politics, we were taught an array of different facts about our government and political system from Dr. Carver. We discussed how the government works, what the three branches of government are and their powers, and justhow politics are important to our everyday lives, to name a few things. This class gave me a very baic, but well-informed view of our government as well as politics from an unbiased opinion. While we did not have many assignments besides three tests and a final exam, we did complete a final paper at the end of the semester. The prompt was given to us early in the semester, and we were to research a specific topic – Federalist 39, and whether we agreed or disagreed with what was said. This paper challenged me, because I generally do not enjoy the task of having to put my own thoughts and feelings into writing. Though originally this paper seemed as though it was not going to go well, I stunned myself by earning a 100 on my paper, and I can honestly say I was incredibely proud, because I worked my tail off on this paper. This was another of my favorite classes I have taken, and I am so glad to have had it with Dr. Carver on top of that, because she is, in my opinion, one of the best POlitical Science professors out there.