Elementary 1 French (FREN 101)

In French 101 we learned the basics of French language and culture through in-class lectures, homework done outside of the classroom, tests, and quizzes, and online activities. While I did not enjoy this class as much as my others the first semester, I now realize that I am thankful to have had Dr.Amoss fo this section, because he is a wonderful professor. I learned a lot from this class and always felt as though Dr. Amoss would be able to help me and make me understand, even when it originally seemed like I would never get it. All of the practice done in and outside of the classroom helped us as students grasp the information and set us up for success throughout the semester. I have included one of our book assignments because I felt as though these assignments were helpful not only to our grades because Dr. Amoss attemptedĀ not to grade us harshly, but it also helped us grasp the language even better than some other activities exactly for the same reason. When he could be giving us low grades, he instead gave us the better grade as he usually understood a few minor mistakes, and he would provide feedback on our work. I found this to be one of the things I enjoyed most about French 101