
Academic Initiatives and Curriculum

Existing Courses, Programs, Policy

At Longwood, curriculum development is a collaborative process that involves consultation with the department, the college, and Academic Affairs. Changes in courses and programs start at the department level, move through the college curriculum committee (with a stop at the Civitae Core Curriculum Committee if applicable), and are reviewed by the Committee on Educational Policy (EPC). Following EPC approval, changes are presented to the Faculty Senate as information or for approval. Changes in academic policy related to curriculum go through a similar process. Adding or closing degree programs requires the additional approval of the Board of Visitors, the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on College (SACSCOC). See the Curriculum Handbook and approval process matrices on the Resources page for an overview.

See the Faculty Senate website for EPC reports to the Senate and the EPC schedule and minutes. See the Civitae Core Curriculum website for minutes of meetings and other information about the core.

Off-Campus Locations, Modality, Agreements

Other academic initiatives, such as changing the delivery method of a program, adding or closing an off-campus location, and entering into an agreement with another institution, may require substantive change notification or approval by SCHEV and/or SACSCOC.

New Programs, Closing Programs, Other Academic Initiatives

The first step for adding, closing or significantly altering degree or certificate programs, as well as for initiatives involving contractual agreements with other educational institutions,  is completion of the Academic Initiative Planning Checklist. The checklist is an “early warning” system that ensures compliance with SACSCOC and SCHEV substantive change reporting policies. The SACSCOC / SCHEV liaison will review your checklist and let you know how reporting requirements may affect the approval process and proposed implementation plan.

Initiating a new academic program is an exciting and labor intensive process. The Office of Accreditation and Compliance is here to offer support and ensure that faculty time and expertise are expended efficiently and effectively. If you have any questions, please contact David Shoenthal at x2193 or shoenthaldw@longwood.edu.

Use this blog to learn about the approval process for academic initiatives and curriculum development and access the appropriate forms.

The curriculum process is at Curriculog, and most forms are online in that system.  Quick start guides are available on the Resources page.

2024-25 Contact Information

  • EPC chair – Melissa Rhoten (Chemistry and Physics)
  • College Curriculum Committee chairs
    • Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences – Adam Franssen
    • College of Business and Economics – Tom PlaHovinsak
    • College of Education, Health, and Human Services – Wendy Thompson
    • Graduate Curriculum Committee – Karla Collins
  • Civitae Core Curriculum director – Heather Lettner-Rust (English and Modern Languages)
  • Program Coordinators/Directors
  • SACSCOC contact and SCHEV liaison – David Shoenthal (Associate Provost/Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs)