Day 25 — New Crypto Hash #5 (Final)
Hey, all! Welcome to CryptoCL.
Over the past several days, I had tried to develop the new cryptographic hash. However, with being very busy with other assignments, I was unable to get very far in my efforts. I kept getting stuck on mistakes that I think a more fresh eyes and fingers could fix much more quickly than I could.
However, that isn’t to say I’m not proud of my work. I was able to strive to develop something new — something that might have not been made before. Although I couldn’t finish, I am certain that it would help me in the long run.
With this experience nearly wrapping up, I have to present my findings in a presentation. I found that it is possible to implement OpenCL into BLAKE2, but doing so with greatly affect the performance of the hashing algorithm. Moreover, the OpenCL standard would not be fully utilized — as BLAKE 2 is sequential in nature.
By the end of the week, I will post my next, and final, post to this blog. I will discuss in greater detail my findings and thoughts on this project.
Thank you for reading!
Kyle Jenkins
Time spent today: 4 hours 30 minutes
Total Time: 40 hours 30 minutes