Autobiography of Hannah Cook

My name is Hannah, and I started my school career at Midway Elementary. It was there that I decided to put forth my effort and self into my schoolwork. I had already tried playing sports and dancing, neither of which worked out, and even though I enjoyed it, singing was not my forté. I even tried art, and while I still like to dabble, I realized at a young age that I wasn’t good enough at it for it to take me far. So, as a result of not excelling in other areas of talent, paired with some tense troubles at home, I escaped into the academic world, and I succeeded.

Flash forward, past middle school, I went to Dinwiddie High, and continued my academic achievement. Throughout high school, I had straight A’s in all of my classes, earning me a 4.2 GPA by graduation. I was 8th in my class, and walked the stage with golden honors cords hanging on my gown.

However, my success story has not been easy. As far as I can remember, my parents had a hard time getting along and argued frequently. It was a tough, and sometimes scary, environment to grow up in. A couple of times, they separated, but always ended back together for my sake. They did not want me to come from a “broken” home; however, what they may had not realized, was that it was already on shaking stilts. Despite the conflicts, I still had good times with each of them. Then, when I was in 10th grade, everything changed.

My mom and I got into a bad car accident, she was killed, and my life has never been the same. Dealing with that loss is something I struggle with and face every day. They say it gets easier with time, and as of right now (freshman year) it is going on four years since she’s been gone. It doesn’t get easier with time; you only learn how to better cope. Being at Longwood University and on my own has greatly helped me be able to cope with missing her. There are lots of things to keep busy, friends to see, and CAPS to help with the motions. I work to keep her proud, and to one day tell her all I have accomplished.

Longwood has become a new home for me. I enjoy walking the campus every day, learning where places are, and seeing familiar faces everywhere I go. Before staying in Wheeler, I had never shared a room with another person, so it was an interesting experience meeting and getting used to a roommate. However, we got along great, and will be rooming again next year! It took me some time to get used to the change and learning a new person, but after getting to know her, I can’t imagine being without her! I have made new friends who I get to hang out and go places with, another new experience for me, and I love the classroom relationships I have with my professors! Classes are about the same size they were at my high school, sometimes smaller, and the professors are so helpful! Many people get to know each other better, and we are all a part of Longwood University’s tight-knit community!

Being in the Cormier Honors College is a badge I wear proudly! Members and staff are like a family! Everyone is so helpful and kind. I love having secluded spacing for the Honors College in Stevens, a wide gathering place. Being a part of this organization has already brought me so many opportunities I would have never had without them! Within my first few days at Longwood, I was able to do some things I had never thought I would ever do including ziplining, helping out at a horse farm by painting a barn, and seeing the views from High Bridge Trail. I have met great people along the way, heard amazing ghost stories, and even had free printing!

Now, I am learning to be more confident in who I am, my abilities to achieve great accomplishments in life, and even my nail painting skills! (2020)