Dr. Christopher Swanson

Dr. Swanson, of the department of music, gave a world premier of a song cycle titled The Resolutions of Eve, by Randall Speer and poetry by Jim Peterson (both faculty at Randolph College). Swanson performed with violinist Christi Salisbury, guitarist Rafael Scarfullery and percussionist Ed Mikenas. The premier took place on April 3 in lynchburg Virginia.

BES alumni publishes in Genes, Genomes, Genetics journal


Dr. Consuelo Alvarez and 6 BES alumni are the coauthors of the article: “The Drosophila Muller F elements maintain a distinct set of genomic properties over 40 million years of evolution” to be published in mid spring in the .  For immediate access, the online version could be accessed in PubMed.  This work is a national collaboration with the Genomics Education Partnership which headquarters is at Washington University, Saint Louis.

These students are representatives of the 33 students who have taken the Molecular Genetics (Biol 425) course.  This course combines a nationwide research program with strong pedagogical goals.  A pedagogical paper was published last year with Drs. Alvarez and Beach as co-authors in Cell Biology Education-Liberal Sciences Education (CBE-LSE) journal.  This article title is: “A Course-Based Research Experience: How Benefits Change with Increased Investment in Instructional Time”

One of the goals of a junior level course is to provide our Longwood students a research opportunity within the classroom while they actively apply their knowledge and learn critical thinking, decision making and take ownership of their scientific work.

Biol 425 course is taught on a revolving schedule by Drs. Alvarez and Beach and it is an example of teaching in the R.E.A.L. Inquiry model at Longwood dating back to the first class of 2007.


Steven Faulkner’s “Bitterroot” to Appear in 2016

MOUNTANIS-FAULKNER1Steven Faulkner’s new book, Bitterroot: Traveling with Pierre Jean De Smet, Lewis and Clark, and the Nez Perce, has just been accepted for publication by Beaufort Books of New York. Scheduled to appear in 2016, Bitterroot is a travel memoir of Steve’s journeys hiking, mountain biking, and canoeing the Idaho mountains with Alex, his youngest son.  Portions of the memoir were first presented as part of the Blackwell Talks in 2013. 


Kat Tracy on NatGeo’s Deadly Journeys of the Apostles

kat Tracy

Guest scholar Kat Tracy appears in the four-episode National Geographic/Arcadia Production documentary Deadly Journeys of the ApostlesThe series originally aired on March 28, 2015 and continues to be broadcast on the National Geographic Channel throughout the season.

Archaeology Field School Receives Register of Professional Archaeologists Certification

Register of Professional Archaeologists Field School Certification Program

RPA logo 2
Dr. Brian Bates, Director of the Dr. James W. Jordan Archaeology Field School, is pleased to announce that the Field School has been successful in earning certification by the Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA), making it one of only 18 field schools in the world to be certified by that professional organization. The RPA promotes the establishment and maintenance of professional standards in archaeology. Students completing an RPA certified field school will be trained in the discipline’s highest standards of research and site stewardship.

Around the world, archaeological sites are put at risk through development, looting, demolition, infrastructure projects – and sometimes, sub-par archaeology. In 1974, the Society of American Archaeology (SAA) passed a resolution stating, “no site deserves less than professional excavation, analysis and publication,” and noted that, while teaching the next generation of archaeologists is critical to the field, all archaeological fieldwork should have a serious research commitment to the resource. Sponsored by four national archaeological organizations (the Society for American Archaeology, the Archaeological Institute of America, the Society for Historical Archaeology and the American Anthropological Association), the RPA aids in the training of the next generation of archaeologists through its field school certification program.

RPA certification of a field school demonstrates to colleagues, students and scholars that the educational and training component of a project is integrated with scientific research questions. The principal investigator of every certified field school has demonstrated that instructors and personnel are qualified archaeologists; that the field program and curriculum includes an explicit, detailed schedule of instruction and supervision; that facilities are sufficient to meet research and training goals; and, lastly, that information generated by the project will be analyzed and reported in the highest professional standards. Students attending an RPA-certified field school can be assured that they are receiving quality training that will help them meet their professional goals in the worlds of academia and cultural resource management.

In addition, every certified field school is eligible to be considered to receive a $1,000 scholarship from the one of the sponsoring organizations of the RPA, which can be used to offset student expenses.

There are many excellent archaeological field schools in the United States and around the world. RPA certification serves not just as quality control, but as an assurance that students are receiving the best possible experience and that our finite archaeological resources are being studied respectfully and responsibly.

The Night I Heard Everything

the NightMary Carroll-Hackett’s fourth book since 2010 has just been released from Future Cycle Press.  The Night I Heard Everything is a collection of prose poems that traces a life spent in liminal places, particularly that often shadowy and always sacred realm between life and death, touching on both the isolation and the grace, even the bliss, such an existence can bring. Poems made of love and heartbreaking loss, the collection works toward healing, a reconciliation of soul and self, of body and spirit, of the peace to be found even while walking with a foot in both worlds.


Interculturalization and Teacher Education

InterculturalizationTogether with two colleagues, Dr. Renee Gutiérrez, assistant professor of Spanish, recently published Interculturalization and Teacher Education: Theory to Practice (Routledge).  In this study the authors examine how socio-cultural beliefs, institutional structures, and external accreditation bodies interact in the process of interculturalization, highlighting the incentives and barriers as well as strategies to implement and maintain interculturalization projects.

Dr. Kenneth Pestka II receives grant from Siemens

Dr. Kenneth Pestka II has been awarded a grant from Siemens PLM for Femap with NX Nastran (valued at $678,500). The grant provides an opportunity for Longwood University physics and dual-degree engineering students to have access to this world leading finite element modeling software. This innovative software is used in advanced manufacturing, research and development within aerospace, automotive, medical, hi-tech electronics and other industries. The partnership between Siemens PLM and Longwood University will enhance academic and research programs as well as provide students an opportunity to learn sought after technical manufacturing and design skills. For more information contact Dr. Kenneth A Pestka II (pestkaka@longwood.edu).

Dr. Amorette Barber Receives Genomics Grant

Dr. Amorette Barber was awarded a GCAT (Genome Consortium for Active Teaching) Synthetic Biology grant to purchase genomics analysis software for Longwood’s Genomics Computer Core and multiple research computers in Chichester Science Center (software is valued at $9,100). This software will be used to help students design synthetic biology, genomics and next-generation sequencing projects and analyze the associated data in many classes including BIOL 324 Genetics and BIOL 425 Modern Genetics, and in individual research projects.

Longwood Playwright Brett Hursey’s “Small Doses” opens at Waterworks

The following excerpt is from an interview (“psychological intervention”) with Longwood playwright Brett Hursey. Hursey wrote Small Doses — a collection of seven ten-minute comedies — soon to be produced by the Waterworks Players on February 20th and 21st at 8:00 pm.

Question: So, are you happy with the production so far?

Hursey: Well, the writing is absolutely brilliant — but the Director is a compete idiot without a shred of taste.

Question: Who’s directing the show?

Hursey: I am.

Question: Where do you get your ideas?

Hursey: Usually they come as a result of medication… or the lack of medication.

Question: Why is Small Doses made up of seven short comedies — instead of, say, six?

Hursey: Because I figured I could do more damage with seven.

Question: Is it true there is a man dressed as a Giant Rabbit in one of these shows?

Hursey: Yes.

Question: Is it true there are talking Egg and Sperm in one of these shows?

Hursey: No comment.

Here’s a link to a longer Hursey profile:  http://www.longwood.edu/2012releases_43624.htm

Tickets for Small Doses can be purchased online at http://waterworksplayers.org/buy-tickets
Or call 434-392-3452 to make a reservation.