Historical and Contemporary Insights

I fulfilled this pillar prior to arriving at Longwood University. History 221 – “United States History I” is the class that I used to complete this pillar. Since I completed this during my sophomore year of high school, I do not have an artifact available to post, but I will still provide my reflection.

This class was one of my favorites all throughout my high school career. My teacher, Mrs. Meissel, found ways to teach us that was entertaining, educational, and memorable all at one time. We spent a majority of the class in lecture and class discussion, which really prepared us for open and opinionated discussions in college classes. She showed videos that held our attention and correlated to the topic we were learning at that time. She also required collaborative assignments both in and out of class. This component especially prepared us for college because it introduced us to group work that was not just with our friends or on simple topics. In all, this class was my first, and probably most helpful, college introduction course. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to take this class ahead of time and bring in this pillar credit when I began at Longwood.