Blogs and Writing

During summer of 2018 I took a media and society class to learn more about society and how they interpret, take in and understand about media all the way from the early 1900s to present. While taking this class I was expected to start a blog series about large conglomerates in todays society. I wrote my series on Walt Disney’s conglomerate and its effects on todays world and industry of television, movies and more.

These blog posts are heavily focused on the Walt Disney Studios company as a whole and how they have become a major conglomerate in the world and the effects of their company on others. Throughout these blog posts I have examined Disney and the pros and cons of how big and powerful their company has become in recent years. My blog posts also go into depth about Disney’s synergy and a timeline of Disney’s greatest moments. It is a very fun, interesting and a surprisingly very educating topic that I encourage you to learn more about through my blog posts and or through other professional sites.