
Relevant Courses:


Comm 101Public Speaking: Through this course every assignment I completed involved me speaking in front of the entire class. Each public speaking assignment ranged from one minute to 15 minutes over a wide amount of topics.

Comm 200 Intro to Communication Studies: This course was very beneficial to me because I learned multiple theoretical contexts that are shared through communication and how to complete ______.

COMM 210Media and Society: This was a fun and interesting course because we learned a lot of history about media and how it has changed through generations. In this class I completed a three blog post series about Disney as a conglomerate. I also completed many discussion posts debating society and media topics.

Comm 280Fundamentals of Public Relations: This course was one of my favorite courses and I learned so much from how to prepare an audit to backgrounders, fact sheets and new releases. I had a lot of fun with this class because I was able to learn and get hands on experience on how to prepare important documents and see what the public relations field is like.

Span 111Inten Begin Lang & Cult: This course is relevant because I am learning the basics of Spanish so I can prepare myself to take two more Spanish classes for my degree.