
My Communication Analysis Paper #2 assignment showed my ability to work hard, solve problems, and be dedicated. There was many things I was confused about, such as the requirements and the research process portion of the paper. This was a great opportunity for me to utilize my professor’s office hours, which I took advantage of, but I still had questions after the first meeting. So, I went a total of three times to go over every advice I received from my professor and to ensure I going to get the best possible paper I could have written. As a result to the various meetings with my professor and my work ethic, I received a 100% on a paper I was struggling with in the beginning.

My PowerPoint presentation on Stephen King showed my ability to communicate effectively, work hard, and stay positive. When I received the instructions to this assignment, I found it difficult to pick a topic since the class was allowed to pick any material we read over the course of the whole semester. I decided to pick Stephen King since I enjoy the horror films based off of his book and I practiced my presentation speech everyday for five days straight. At first, I was having trouble with deciding if I should include certain information in my speech because I was forgetting the material. I managed to put together a speech that I could remember because I was interested in everything I was saying, which made it easier. As a result, I received a 100% on my presentation.

I was assigned a three-page paper consisting of a television pitch idea that I had to create. My paper includes the details of the character’s backgrounds, the plot for an episode, why people should watch the show, how it impacts the viewers, and how diversity is established. The show I made is revolved around the main character’s journey to developing a strong and genuine relationship with God and Jesus. This brings the character the love and guidance he has been searching for. My idea for the show came to me by my experience of finding faith through the help of someone close to me and my passion for helping others grow in their faith.