

Historical and Contemporary Insights: HIST 151- Historical Inquiry II

The paper above was assigned to us and had to be chosen within Europe and it could be about anything we wanted it to be on. I chose to write about anesthesia in world war II. This assignment taught me how to analyze different sources and how valuable it would be to the overall picture of the thesis or main idea. To get to my topic, the professor said to choose something that you were personally interested in or to use your major to narrow the focus. Narrowing down the topic was the most difficult, so my professor gave great feedback, especially on the initial draft. I ended up with an A on this paper because I asked questions to help the paper along.

Global Citizenship: FREN 110

The picture above is from the textbook for the course and one of the many ways to learn and comprehend the language. In class, we would use the assigned vocabulary from the textbook and learn in a efficient and easy techniques such as flashcards. It allowed me not only to memorize, but to remember past the assigned test or exam. The course allowed me to remember phrases, conjugations, and vocabulary to use outside of the classroom setting. My professor used the textbook within the allotted units to its full potential, so I could succeed with a grade of an A. We had skits or interactions with other students and with patience, I was able to understand the beginnings of the french language and culture.

Quantitative Reasoning: MATH 171- Statistical Decision Making

In the course, MATH 171 or Statistical Decision making, it was difficult to learn. I am not much of a math person, however with the textbook, I was able to use the power points and the modules to succeed. In the project above, we were assigned a problem. Not only was I to solve it, but also answer comprehensive questions. When I was writing the paper, I learned that to know math is to understand what it is used for and why. It allows someone to utilize it in real world situations. With the help of the professor, I was able to get an A on the paper, and remember how to use the unit to apply to situations in the real world.


Math 301: Applied Statistics

This class is one step up from Math 171. It had more difficult formulas and rules to learn in this section. In addition, we were taught to be able to understand the math and explain it, rather than just doing the math. The paper above shows how I had to explain each step of the test using a given set of data.

French 210

The course was pretty similar to 110. This class had harder material to learn and focused more on self-study than group study. In addition, this class had more listening sections and quizzes than the last one. The sample above is the same textbook for 110. We still used the same textbook and each unit opened up with a similar page.

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