Session 1

Group goals/objectives to be covered: By the end of sessions, the group will demonstrate improved levels of empowerment as measured by the Multicultural Psychological Empowerment Scale for Saudi Women (MPES-SW).

  • The group will discuss self-awareness

Brief agenda:

Introduction – 5 minutes

Icebreaker – 10 minutes

Group Rules and Expectations – 10 minutes

Break- 10 minutes

MPES-SW- 5 minutes

Discussion – 20 minutes


Lesson plan:

Introduction (5 minutes)- Have all of the group members sit in a circle. Introduce yourself as the group facilitator and explain the purpose of the group.

Group purpose:  To educate young women on the topic of intimate partner violence (IPV), as well as to empower young women to be self-sufficient as it relates to mental health and coping strategies.

Explain (S.M.A.R.T) goals; discuss what is planned to be accomplished by the end of sessions.

SMART Goal #1:

By the end of sessions, the group will identify 3 coping mechanisms to address mental health/trauma.

  • The group will brainstorm and discuss various coping strategies
  • The group will discuss the feasibility of utilizing coping mechanisms in their daily routines

SMART Goal #2:

By the end of sessions, the group will demonstrate improved levels of empowerment as measured by the Multicultural Psychological Empowerment Scale for Saudi Women (MPES-SW).

  • The group will discuss self-awareness
  • The group will define and explore what empowerment is (dimensions of self-efficacy and self-determination) and what it means to them
  • The group will brainstorm positive self-affirmations and discuss how to implement them into their daily routines

Note that this session’s objective is to build self-awareness in terms of what it is like to be a woman in Ghana. Group members will be introduced to the topic of female empowerment. 

Icebreaker (10 minutes): Have all group members go around in a circle to introduce themselves. Have them state their name, pronouns, and what they hope to accomplish by the end of sessions.

Group Rules and Expectations (10 minutes):

Share with the group members pre-established rules and address any questions/concerns.

Ask group members if they have any rules/expectations that they would like to be added.

(Reference Group Rules and Expectations document in Supplemental Materials)

Break (10 minutes)

MPES-SW (5 minutes): After the break, have group members fill out the modified version of the MPES-SW (reference Supplemental Materials).

Discussion (20 minutes):

Pose the following questions to group participants:

  1. Ask the group to brainstorm common expectations of females vs. common expectations of males.
    • Do these expectations lead to being treated differently between genders? If yes, explain.
      • How do these gender norms affect how you view yourself?
  2. Do you feel encouraged by those around you (i.e. parents, teachers, friends, etc.) to pursue your personal goals? (Martens et al., 2008)
  3. Have you been told that you’re unable to do something because you’re a girl?
    • If yes, how did this make you feel?

Conclusion: Thank group members for participating in the session. Ask if any group members have any questions or concerns.

Resources/handouts/activities/materials needed:

  • MPES-SW Empowerment Scale (reference Supplemental Materials)
  • Pencils

Reference list for resources:

Martens, M. M., Viegas, P., & Mimoso, R. (2008). The Power to Change: How to Set Up and Run Support Groups for Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence.

Moubarak, H. S., Afthanorhan, A., & Alrasheedi, E. (2021). Multicultural Psychological Empowerment Scale for Saudi Women. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.