Group goals/objectives to be covered: By the end of sessions, the group will demonstrate improved levels of empowerment as measured by the Multicultural Psychological Empowerment Scale for Saudi Women (MPES-SW).
- The group will discuss self-awareness
Brief agenda:
Introduction – 5 minutes
Icebreaker – 10 minutes
Group Rules and Expectations – 10 minutes
Break- 10 minutes
MPES-SW- 5 minutes
Discussion – 20 minutes
Lesson plan:
Introduction (5 minutes)- Have all of the group members sit in a circle. Introduce yourself as the group facilitator and explain the purpose of the group.
Group purpose: To educate young women on the topic of intimate partner violence (IPV), as well as to empower young women to be self-sufficient as it relates to mental health and coping strategies.
Explain (S.M.A.R.T) goals; discuss what is planned to be accomplished by the end of sessions.
SMART Goal #1:
By the end of sessions, the group will identify 3 coping mechanisms to address mental health/trauma.
- The group will brainstorm and discuss various coping strategies
- The group will discuss the feasibility of utilizing coping mechanisms in their daily routines
SMART Goal #2:
By the end of sessions, the group will demonstrate improved levels of empowerment as measured by the Multicultural Psychological Empowerment Scale for Saudi Women (MPES-SW).
- The group will discuss self-awareness
- The group will define and explore what empowerment is (dimensions of self-efficacy and self-determination) and what it means to them
- The group will brainstorm positive self-affirmations and discuss how to implement them into their daily routines
Note that this session’s objective is to build self-awareness in terms of what it is like to be a woman in Ghana. Group members will be introduced to the topic of female empowerment.
Icebreaker (10 minutes): Have all group members go around in a circle to introduce themselves. Have them state their name, pronouns, and what they hope to accomplish by the end of sessions.
Group Rules and Expectations (10 minutes):
Share with the group members pre-established rules and address any questions/concerns.
Ask group members if they have any rules/expectations that they would like to be added.
(Reference Group Rules and Expectations document in Supplemental Materials)
Break (10 minutes)
MPES-SW (5 minutes): After the break, have group members fill out the modified version of the MPES-SW (reference Supplemental Materials).
Discussion (20 minutes):
Pose the following questions to group participants:
- Ask the group to brainstorm common expectations of females vs. common expectations of males.
- Do these expectations lead to being treated differently between genders? If yes, explain.
- How do these gender norms affect how you view yourself?
- Do these expectations lead to being treated differently between genders? If yes, explain.
- Do you feel encouraged by those around you (i.e. parents, teachers, friends, etc.) to pursue your personal goals? (Martens et al., 2008)
- Have you been told that you’re unable to do something because you’re a girl?
- If yes, how did this make you feel?
Conclusion: Thank group members for participating in the session. Ask if any group members have any questions or concerns.
Resources/handouts/activities/materials needed:
- MPES-SW Empowerment Scale (reference Supplemental Materials)
- Pencils
Reference list for resources:
Martens, M. M., Viegas, P., & Mimoso, R. (2008). The Power to Change: How to Set Up and Run Support Groups for Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence.
Moubarak, H. S., Afthanorhan, A., & Alrasheedi, E. (2021). Multicultural Psychological Empowerment Scale for Saudi Women. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.