Journal Entry 2

Journal #2 Sept. 19th, 2021

For this journal, we were supposed to complete three assessments based on the big five personality traits and leadership traits and ethics. My results from the Big Five Personality profile showed that my highest dimensions would be in agreeableness and conscientiousness and my lowest in adjustment. My results of the Motive Profile showed the same results, that I am highest in conscientiousness and weaker in my surgency. Lastly, in the Ethical profile, it showed me that I am very ethical and a rule-follower. 

From the Big Five Personality Profile, it showed me that my conscientiousness, my highest dimension, demonstrated that I have high levels of dependability and integrity. My second highest, agreeableness, supports my sociability and sensitivity traits. I do believe that I seek out enjoyable relationships, I do typically get along with everyone, and I am able to work well with others because of my self awareness, social awareness, and relationship management. As for my weakest dimension, surgency, it supports the fact my lowest dimension is adjustment and I attribute this mostly to my lack of self-confidence. I am not self-assured in my judgments, decision-making, and or ideas. 

From the Motive Profile, it was similar to the Big Five Personality profile results. I was shown to have a high level for a need for achievement (conscientiousness) and a low level for a need for power (surgency). Understanding the motive profile can be useful as a social worker because it shows that I would like to achieve tasks more than be in a powerful position or in power. It is beneficial to understand because I am able to explain and learn about my behaviors and performance. 

Lastly, for the Ethical Profile, I was not surprised by my results. Typically, I feel like I am serious about following rules and understanding the importance of the rules of an organization or agency. I was completely honest in completing the assessment. I have always been a stickler for the rules and never wanted to disrespect them. In all, these assessments have important information to use moving forward in the social work field because in terms of the ethical profile it shows that I will always be true to the organization’s rules and regulations. For the big five leadership, it shows me that there are areas needed for importance but I am able to work well with others and have high levels of awareness. And as for the motive profile, it would support my behaviors as a social worker because I am more interested in achieving and accomplishing tasks than the need to be in power over others.