Survey Question

The best practices for survey research are, using certain diction with questions in such a way that the questions are clear to the participant. Preferably no open ended questions. So there isn’t any confusion on the readers’ part. The research question is “How is family involvement affected with these activities? The dependent variable survey question will be “Did you complete the activity?” and the independent variable survey question will be “Did your family enjoy these activities? Please explain your answer.” These would be considered the best ones due to how they are worded and the context they can give. In other words the dependent variable shows if the family even attempts the activity and the independent one is left as an open question. Based on how it is worded it allows the caregiver to give some insight on how they may/may have not enjoyed the activity and also gives some clue and idea on the family involvement with the caregiver and the child with the activity. If the caregiver and the child both enjoyed doing the activity together at least shows some degree of parental involvement due to them having to be aware of how they enjoyed the activity and their child feelings towards it too. Which makes them focus on their child and what their child is doing at that time to be able to give an answer to the question. (it doesn’t give a definite answer to if parental involvement is increased or not by the activity) but does go to show that there is a form of parental involvement taking place due to having to focus on their child to see their feelings towards the activity.