LSTU work

Course Work

I am a Liberal Studies major with a minor in sociology.

The most relevant courses to my major are:

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The most relevant courses to my minor are:

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I chose this major because I have wanted to be a teacher ever since I can remember. I chose my minor one day sitting in my advisors office. He said, “Okay Samantha you have to pick one” and handed me a huge book. I flipped a few pages and come across Sociology. I immediately fell in love. I am a people person, I love all kinds of people and I was interested in finding out the why’s. I am such a “why?” person. Deviance struck me hard because I wanted to learn about why things are deviant, why do only some people act deviant; I just had to know. I am so glad that I decided on sociology as my minor because it has made me see the world differently, opened up my eyes and expanded my knowledge.

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