

Cover Letter:

Sample Documents:

Below are some sample documents that showcase how I would teach writing and some ways students will be encouraged to think outside the box and be more engaged in their writings.

This paper was a piece I wrote for my Young Adult Literature course that highlighted how Walter Dean Myers discusses social issues in his novels. I would use this to show students how being passionate about a topic can help a piece of writing be fun to write and how having independency for assignments encourages engagement and better academic achievement.

This powerpoint was used to teach a brief lesson about how literature can be used to teach culture and diversity issues in the world. We started with completing an identity wheel and then discussed what we answered and how it affects us and others. I also came up with a closure activity called “TwitterFingers” which allows students to summarize in brief what we learned in class for that day and come up with their own hashtag. This teaches students how to get their point across in a minimal amount of words.

This powerpoint was used to teach students how to analyze mentor texts for tone and elaboration. At the end of the lesson, the students answered questions for their autobiography mutli-genre projects allowing them to pre-write to improve their writing next class.

The link below connects to my blog which has different types of writings students could engage in that will ensure interaction with the texts and better academic achievement.

It’s More Than Words