
 Rachel R. Lynch

Longwood University 


Dr. Pederson


            Research is the foundation of growth allowing our world to launch into a future mindset. During the conduction of my academic evaluation research, I was able to learn a multitude of skills that will benefit me greatly when diving into future research. 

One of the most important skills I learned was how to think critically through the data obtained. Initially, we sent out activities to specified schools near us; as explained in my research. When the surveys came back, I had to analyze and make decisions as to what was laid out before me. It was a new approach toward critical thinking for me. I had to interpret the data and reflect on how it affected the research and the overall topic of family involvement. This allowed me to grow in my knowledge of data analytics. In addition, I know it will aid me in future research.

Furthermore, I have developed strong foundational skills in teamwork. Through working with a new group of people I didn’t initially know, I was able to build bonds and relationships with strangers that turned into friends. Being able to become comfortable in a situation where you do not know the people around you while additionally being required to work with them is a situation every person entering the workplace will experience. Homing in on strong teamwork skills makes these situations work better and flow more efficiently. For our specific project, the class individually did its own research. Towards the end, we came together to reflect on the results we received back from the families and bounce the analysis off one another for further understanding.

An additional skill I learned was organizational skills. An important note I made while organizing the data into charts, is how imperative it is to be precise. To ensure the data was categorized accurately, we compiled groups to assist in preparing the chart. Following this, we arranged for another group in the class to check our work to ensure no numbers were missed. When setting up the research results, we needed them to be clear and precise, so it was important that no data was missed or incorrect when calculating. 

One skill I found that will be the most beneficial to have in my future is knowing how to create a good survey. Surveys are important when evaluating someone’s feedback on your work and help to illustrate ways to improve. This will benefit my resume while looking for work with future employers. 

            When selecting sources for my research assignments I focused on sources that included the beneficial growth in children’s lives when their parents are more involved. Deciding which sources were best to use were the ones that had a positive outcome in their research in finding that more parental involvement did improve the lives of their children. Throughout my research, I luckily didn’t have to change any of the sources that I had found for my literature review. The sources I utilized were strong and strengthened my research. When researching I found it challenging to be clear about what I found in my research. I understood what my research entailed but connecting my hypothesis to the results of my research was more difficult than I anticipated. It required critical thinking to understand what the results meant for my research question. Working with my group members and hearing their different approaches and perspectives to understanding the research helped me in forming my own opinion of the survey results. 

             I am more confident in my research now that I have finished my first project. The first time with something new is always difficult because of the uncertainty of doing it incorrectly. However, success only happens by trial and error, and I feel confident that if I did another evaluation research, I would be more confident when approaching it. Now I know I can do another. 

From the research I have conducted this semester I would argue I now “think like a researcher”. This means being passionate and curious about discovering new information. Being both passionate about what you’re researching and caring about the results, creates a strong presentation of research to deliver to an audience. Being curious to discover new knowledge and expanding your thinking is how a researcher thinks and from conducting this evaluation research, I am curious for more.