Institution Papers


Over my time at school I have taken many courses that have dealt with specific institutions and will help me apply them to my future.

Stress and Crisis in the Family- We focused on the family institution and how families go through stress in their lives that can affect the rest of the family, well being, and their mental health.

Juvenile Delinquency- I gained insight on an individual who has committed a crime and it ended up affecting he rest of the family and caused the individual’s life to plummet.

Power of the Press- I learned how to voice my own opinion and religion. Focusing on the religion institution was important because not everyone follows the same rules and morals in life so understanding others perspectives.

World of Music- This class focused on the music industry along with the religion institution. Learning about the different cultures and religions that inspire people to create the music that they do.


My Research and Methods class focused on the family as an institution. Below is a paper I wrote relating to the family institution.

In my Gender and Crime class I learned about a government institution and how people are treated and affected by it. Paper included:

Treatment of Female Correctional Officers

Since the late nineteenth century women have been employed in correctional facilities. The reasons why females were not allowed to work in prisons was the concern for their safety, effective behavior on inmates, not having the physical and mental preparation and the violations of inmate privacy. Historically, women have been compared to male correctional officers as not being capable of doing the work they can do and creating more issues in the facility than there already is. Over the years females have been recognized for their ability to break those stereotypes and rise to the same expectations that society thought only male officers had. That was due to the Title VII of the Civil Rights prohibiting employment discrimination based on sex. Even though the discrimination and stereotypes have gotten better since before the 1900s, there is still some unequal treatment shown in correctional facilities with females. Females face these problems with their colleagues, administration and inmates. 

Treatment of Colleagues

When male and female officers are working with one another there can be tension when males think they have more power because they think they have more physical and mental characteristics than females. Some studies have shown that female correctional officers have experienced discrimination and harassment from their colleagues. Their colleagues may create false runnors, comment about their appearance, or make sexual jokes to them. Lambart (2007) stated that after conducting 180 interviews with women correctional officers they reported that the sexual harrasment has distracted them from their work and brought discomfort. This has led to tokenism due to the barriers that are placed in front of minority employees and the inequality treatment. Females have been reported to have higher levels of job stress. This happens because while working with male colleagues they feel it is a competition creating a more hostile environment. Bernat (1989) explained that male correctional officers did not want to work with females because they would lose sense of their masculinity and create an unsafe workplace. On top of that, women had to work extra hard in order to prove to the males that they can do hard work. Another reason is males think that when calling a female for back up or assistance, it could put the males in danger because they do not have the physical strength. 

Treatment of Administration

Female correctional officers can experience unfairness with their bosses that has to do with promotions, pay, and job assignments. Addressing the wage gap between male and female workers, there have been situations when males are paid more. Britton (2003) stated that now women make up almost half of the labor force, even if they are working full time or year round they are only getting paid 73% of salaries that males make. This is seen in a correctional facility if the administration believes in gender difference stereotypes and not giving women fair pay. For example, in 2001 women only made 88% of the salaries that male correctional officers were making. That may be a higher percentage but not quite the same pay. Britton (2003) also brought up the disadvantage women have for being a full time worker and the primary caretaker of their children. Women are most likely to miss out on extra pay opportunities, work hours, flexible schedules, limited locations they can work and transfers because they are the first ones to be notified when having to be attentive to their children. In correctional facilities males tend to have the luxury of freedom and moving up in the job hierarchy. Women often have a harder time trying to get a promotion acceptance from administration in a correctional facility. Matthews (2010) explained that female correctional officers believed they had no chances for a promotion because of the negative rumors people believed in. Some of the rumors that were believed was them not performing the job as well as men, an environment for sexual harrassment being created and balancing work life and responsibilities at home. Due to the administration viewing correctional officers as physically and mentally stronger they overlooked the females for any opportunities. Supervisors will look at the men first for work ethic and physical appearance when in reality a female officer could have been a better fit.  Workers at different prisons reported that depending on the institution the work equality could be better than others for females. Evidence shows that women are unrepresented by their supervisors because of barriers such as bias, stereotypes, and tokenism. 

Treatment of Inmates

There has been a shift of attitude in a correctional facility with how inmates treat females and how the female officers treat the inmates. Research has shown that an older female correctional officer is more likely to have a positive attitude towards the inmates rather than a new and younger officer. Farkas (1999) said that when it came to race, if there was an African American or Hispanic group of officers then they are more likely to cater to the inmates that are the same ethnicity first and advocate for their rehabilitation. Female correctional officers that have a higher education are the ones to have a more positive attitude toward inmates and then reciprocate it back. Female officers that are working within a male prison will experience predatory behavior from the inmates. Male inmates will attempt to seduce the female officer but this can be as innocent as an inmate being overly nice and flirty with the female. Stitchman (2003) explained that if inmates suspect an inconsistent power exertion, this may enhance the inmates disrespect to the officers and cause them to act out. Based on the power that the inmates think are present is how they are going to treat females. This will change their attitudes, behaviors and perception of the prison if they believe the officer is overbearing to them. For example, if the inmate has a sense of freedom and privacy then they feel they have control over their environment and themselves. Burdett (2018) conducted 36 interviews with female correctional officers in a prison. She wanted to determine the complications and obstacles that females face with the inmates. The women said that they were constantly reminded of their femininity, physical looks, and the lack of strength of fit they had for their job. They also reported that sexism and hostility had to continuously be reinforced and supported because of some incidents or comments the inmates would make to the female officers. 


Historically, women have not always had it easy in the workforce and specifically in a correctional facility. To this day they still face challenges based on their appearances, personality, and gender. Over time the stereotypes have gotten better since the nineteenth century and women have been on the rise for employment and higher positions in corrections. Women experience stress and burn out due to the constant reminder of who they are and the climb to prove society wrong. Within a correctional facility there is unfair treatment between the colleagues, administration, and the inmates. Male coworkers may still have a traditional thinking of how it was in the past is how it should be today, which was that males are more superior in the workforce and dont need womens help. Others may have a more modern understanding and respect the women and their work ethic. The same experience can happen with administration and managers overlooking the bigger opportunities women can do. Findings showed that inmates give the same attitude that the officers give them. With women, some will point out their sexuality but some male prisoners may want to impress them due to the fact they are female and they are with male inmates all the time. 


Bernat, F. P., & Zupan, L. L. (1989). An assessment of personnel processes pertaining to women in a traditionally male dominated occupation: Affirmative action policies in prisons and jails. The Prison Journal, 69(2), 64–72.

Britton, D. M. (2003). At work in the iron cage: The prison as gendered organization. New York Univ. Press.

Burdett, F., Gouliquer, L., & Poulin, C. (2018). culture of corrections: The experiences of women correctional officers. Feminist Criminology, 13(3), 329–349.

Farkas, M. A. (1999). Correctional officer attitudes toward inmates and working with inmates in a “Get tough” era. Journal of Criminal Justice, 27(6), 495–506.

Gordon, J. A., & Stichman, A. J. (2016). The influence of rehabilitative and punishment ideology on correctional officers’ perceptions of informal bases of power. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 60(14), 1591–1608.×15586414

Lambert, E. G. (n.d.). Gender Similarities and Differences in Correctional Staff Work Attitudes and Perceptions of the Work Environment. Western Criminology Review 8(1), 16–31 (2007).

Matthews, C., Monk-Turner, E., & Sumter, M. (2010). Promotional opportunities: How women in corrections perceive their chances for advancement at work. Gender Issues, 27(1-2), 53–66.

My Health and Wellness class had a paper focused topic about the family institution and their health issues that could later affect their mentally. Paper included:

Family Interview Sheet

Disease and Risk Factor Chart

  • Family members are identified as A, B, C, and D (no names!)
  • Simply put an X in the box next to any that apply for each family member
Family MembersABCD
Cancer   ✖️
Cardiovascular Disease (heart disease or stroke) ✖️  
Diabetes (type I or II)  ✖️ 
Respiratory Illness    
High cholesterol ✖️✖️✖️
Obesity  ✖️ 
High blood pressure (hypertension)  ✖️ 
Depression  ✖️ 

Lifestyle Questions

I called each family member and compiled each of the questions below. For each question I put the answer for each family member A, B, C, and D.

Dietary Patterns Questions:

1.) How often do you consume animal-based products (beef, chicken, milk, pork, eggs etc….anything that has a face or comes from a mother) per day and estimate per week as well?

Person A: Daily at least twice a day

Person B: Daily at least three times a day

Person C: Only about twice a week

Person D: At least once a day

2.) How often do you consume 5-7 servings of vegetables (about a cup per serving) per day and estimate per week as well? (If they are not consuming 5-7 servings of veggies each day, have them estimate how many servings per day they are consuming)

A- Everyday 7 servings

B-  consumes 3 servings of veggies two times a week

C- Everyday 5 servings

D- consumes 4 servings of veggies four times a week

3.) How often do you go out to eat (breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks) per day and estimate per week as well?

A- Eat out once a week and only for a dinner meal

B- Eats out once a day for lunch, two times a week for dinner

C- Eats out three times a week for lunch

D- Eats out 4 times a week for lunch and once for dinner

Physical Activity Questions:

4.) If you had to rate your average activity level on a daily basis, which one do you best identify with: a.) not very active, b.) moderately active, c.) active, d.) very active?

A- very active

B- not very active

C- moderately active

D- moderately active

5.) On average, how many minutes are you engaged in vigorous activity (i.e. sweating) per day and estimate per week as well?

A- Everyday for an hour

B- twice a week for 30 minutes

C- Once a week for 30 minutes

D- Once a week for 20-30 minutes

6.) Rate how you feel about physical activity in general: a.) hate it, b.) not a big fan, c.) no feeling, d.) it is ok, e.) love it.

A- Love it

B-hate it

C-no feeling

D-not a big fan

Toxin Consumption Questions:

7.) Do you currently use tobacco products in any form? Yes or No

A- no


C- yes

D- yes

8.) Have you ever used tobacco products more than 10x total in your life? Yes or No

A- no

B- no

C- yes


9.) Do you drink alcohol? Yes or No

A- yes

B- yes

C- yes

D- yes

10.) On average, how many drinks (Use one 12oz can of regular beer as a “drink” for reference and estimate from there if it is hard liquor, wine, or lite beer, etc.) do you have per week?

A- 12 oz margarita with liquor- three of them in a whole week

B- 12oz of beer, about 10 drinks

C-12 oz of wine- 2 glasses once a week. 12 oz margarita- two or three glasses every other weekend

D- 12oz of beer- four beers once a week

Synthesis of Compiled Data

  1. 4 out of 4 have stress
  2. 1 out of 4 have cancer
  3. 3 out of four have high cholesterol
  4. 4 out of 4 all consume animal based products
  5. 3 out of the four get the correct amount of servings of veggies at least once a week
  6. 1 out of 4 gets physical or vigorous activity
  7. 4 out of 4 drink alcohol 
  8. 2 out of 4 smoke tobacco
  9. B, C and D all have high cholesterol but do not work out and eat out a lot
  10. 1 out of the 4 genuinely like to work out


     I learned a couple things from doing this mini research project. One of them being the different health issues that my family may have and the lifestyle factors that are putting them more at risk. Also I learned that my family members may not have the exact same health problems but the lifestyle choices that they make line up or have a lot in common. I can see their health issues and where the problem lies. The lifestyle choices in these health ailments is a  major key. Family members B, C and D do not like to exercise, eat healthy, or try to  get active and they are the ones with cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol or obesity. Family member A consumes a little bit more alcohol than them but the healthy lifestyle choices they chose, shows that they are trying in other aspects of their life to stay healthy. Picking the wrong lifestyle habits can lead you down an unhealthy road and cause health diseases. Prevention is a huge factor in these situations because if some of these family members controlled more and stayed away from some things then their health would be better. Cultural practices are being passed down generation to generation in my family but there is a strong divide between good and bad. For example, if you look at my grandma and her side of the family there are a ton of health diseases, obesity, and unhealthy eating. If you look at my dad’s side, there are health problems but not to the very extreme. My mom broke the pattern and is very healthy and has great habits which have passed on to the people that I live with in my household so hopefully as me and my siblings grow up we can continue the pattern of a healthy lifestyle. I personally stay extremely active, eat more than the suggested amount of veggies, and have an average amount of alcohol because I see the past generation of my family and do not want to end up like them so I try my best to steer away. 

My citizen’s class which focused on the power of the press helped me right a paper focused on an education institution and the cost of it. Paper included:

How Many Amendments

  For my social justice zine topic I chose education but more specifically the rising cost in college tuition. The current issue is that colleges are raising the cost for kids to attend school and pay their tuition. The cost of private universities in the United States have tripled since the 1980s. In the 1900s college tuition averages were about $10,000, now they have risen 180% to over $28,000. That is way more than families can afford to send their children to school. More than half of students who go to a four year college are guaranteed student debt which can prevent them from paying other expenses when they graduate. The many reasons for this is, inflation is pushing up the costs forcing wages and benefits to become higher. Not only does tuition increase but each year by 4% room and board will increase too. Some colleges do not give you a choice where to live so this can also create a problem with financial stability within families.

   The Amendment I chose to focus on is the 14th amendment. The law plays a role in ensuring equal protection in higher education. Everyone has the right to receive education and state created rights for education. This had a big impact on public education. If the 14th amendment is so adamant on education then why is it so hard to receive it nowadays. Kids want to go to college to get a career and be successful in their future. The rise in tuition is preventing that because of the privilege you have to have with money. If people are not able to receive higher education and get a job then it puts businesses at low employment and their life at risk. 

   My two lenses are socio-culture and economics. Socio-culture is the nature of learning where interactions take place. As students grow up there are different social interactions and behaviors that are in school facilities. Students should be able to have those experiences in the classroom in college. They can adapt to new behaviors on a mature level which can help them in the real world with their careers. When a professor is teaching and supporting his/her students, it  gives the students motivation and determination for that degree. With economics, education provides a foundation for development in which you are supposed to grow on. This is made up of economic and social well being. By increasing the economic efficiency of peoples labor then it helps bring the poverty back from the poor. An economy is more valuable when there is a higher number of skilled workers that can perform tasks. This can happen with more equal education and opportunities for labor. The issue with this is if students are not able to afford education then they will not have that higher degree and become skilled in what they are good at. Therefore, the economy is at a lesser value. 


Paper Reflections

My writing has changed overtime when writing about these different institutions because I have noticed more maturity in my writing and my ability to go more in depth. When I learn about each institutions and apply them to my classes I am able to gain more knowledge and write more about an institution and what it means. When I learn about different perspectives my mind thinks in different psychological ways which allows myself to think more elaborate on topics. The structure of my writing has changed because in the past I would write as much and long as I could without organizing it or sticking to the most important facts. In recent years I am able to pinpoint the important facts and steadily keep subheadings and references to make my writing more legible. I make sure that there is a beginning, middle and end without the reader getting lost along the way. Over the course of these papers my writing has become more sociological because instead of writing about myself or my experiences I have focused on others behavioral patterns and what shapes social relationships and systems. Looking at the function of a system and how it is affected.


These institutions structure my behavior, attitudes and beliefs because each institutions is a part of my life in some way and depending on what I have experienced in life I hold some of them closer to me. The institutions end up shaping me because how much I have invested time into each one in my life. Many of my classes talk about family and how either health, prison, crimes, and physcology affect our families. For example, a family member who is in prison can deeply affect their significant other or children because they are physically and psychologically not present for them. This has shaped me because in my future job I will be dealing with families and helping individuals mend the broken relationships when in prison. Another institution is education and this was a big one I focused on in my citizens class because it taught me how to speak about my own opinion which I did in a project about the cost of education due to feeling very strongly about that and created a project that was posted all over Bedford for the public to see. This altered my attitude because an expensive cost that should be free is not fair to me. When taking a gender and crime class I learned about the government and what roles they play in a correctional facility. This shaped my beliefs and behavior because not everyone is treated equal in government institutions which makes me strive to work harder and more motivated to work in a facility like that because not many people feel like they can. When learning about our economy in family courses I learned about the sociological findings behind the status of working classes and how money is distributed in society. Also, how people may not be paid equally and the ladder to success they have to climb in the economy. This has always made me work harder in life and pushed me to always have a job so I can have money. In my sociology classes have shown me the different types of cultures and religions that shape the way people are in society. Everyone’s reasonings behind their actions could be from their morals in their religion which could be different from someone else’s behavior or might be looked at as deviant actions.


I can use the skills and knowledge that I know about these industries with my future job in many ways. With family, I want to work with juveniles as individuals but also help them with their outside world connections with their families and help them mend the broken relationships which could have been the root of the problem for their motive of crime. With education I want to inspire and open people’s mind about different ways they can approach situations and not always commit crimes. Educating them on smarter ways they can act and think in life but also specifically helping juveniles with their academics while they are away. I will use religion in my future job because I could run into a problem one day with someones daily norm or routine is not the same as mine because of the difference in religion. If they have a specific belief, prayer, or worship time that is not the same as mine, I have learned to change perspectives and help them accomplish that. Taking all these institutions and applying them to my future job will help me understand the individual, facility and myself while working with others.