Survey Research

The best practice for survey question research is avoiding barreled questions,
meaning questions that could have two possible answers. You also want the items to be
clear and known to the participant. Respondents of the survey must be competent and
willing to answer. Questions in the survey should be relevant to the activity or research
that has been done. The attributes have to be well written and organized based on the
participants’ possible answers. When writing survey questions it is best to avoid
negative and biased items. My research question is “How do family fun activities affect
family involvement?” The survey question I am using for my dependent variable is “How
involved was the family in this activity?” For my independent variable I am asking if the
family completed the activity. These are well written questions because they are not
open ended and they relate to the SMART objectives of our activity. It is uncluttered with
limited words as possible. The questions are relevant to our research and activity that I
am focusing on.