“What Dreams May Come: Marriage Across Cultures”
Emily Spittle, designer Spreads from a magazine about marriage across four cultures: American, Maasain, Indian, and Korean. Continue reading →
Emily Spittle, designer Spreads from a magazine about marriage across four cultures: American, Maasain, Indian, and Korean. Continue reading →
James Bates Landon Cooper Tiffani Jeffries Maria Wheaton, designers A type specimen book about the history and application of the typeface “Helvetica.” Continue reading →
Emma Beckett Jason Ware Mollie Andrews, designers A pack of cards featuring the twenty-six letters of the alphabet depicted by various typographic treatments. Continue reading →
Erin Godwin, designer Spread from magazine about human sex trafficking. Continue reading →
Lindsay Graybill, designer — Because of the growing availability and portability of gadgets for all age groups, many young parents use technology as a substitution for personal communication and physical contact. They do not realize that children can be negatively affected by this unnatural replacement. My senior project is targeted toward these parents and serves … Continue reading →