1501 North 22nd Street

By Emily Poulin, photographer

Like many neighborhoods within cities in America, Union Hill of Richmond was built quickly with many homes of the same style. Each home was built primarily with the same standardized materials to ensure affordability for the average middle class families that were hoping to settle in a prosperous capitalist town. The series depicts a catalogue of the once thriving community … Continue reading →

Art, Art, Volume 6

Pseudaris crucifer 2

By Jessica Page, photographer

Biologists and artists alike judge the world by visual cues to some extent. How they use these cues is very different. Artists will interpret and appreciate. Scientists will identify and measure. Regardless of these differences, it is the details of the subject that make all the difference. Color, texture, pattern, and shape: these are all things we use to identify … Continue reading →

Art, Art, Volume 6


By Cara O’Neal, photographer

This series documents roadside memorials on Virginia Route 20, named the “Constitution Route,” a rural two-lane highway that stretches 90 miles through the central part of Virginia. These memorials are markers to commemorate those lost in fatal car accidents. Some claim that the memorials violate the separation of church and state, since most include a cross or other religious symbol. Others … Continue reading →

Art, Art, Volume 6

Finding Stability

By Sara Nelson, photographer

Four years ago I was diagnosed with Major Depression, and despite constant medication and talk therapy it is still a day-to-day struggle. Rather than let it prevent me from enjoying the things I love, I have used this project as a therapeutic process to help me move upwards from my most recent depressive episode. Through facial expressions and symbolic … Continue reading →

Art, Art, Volume 6


By Laura L. Kahler, artist

Letterpress, drum leaf binding Edition of five I created an edition of 5 hand-bound artist books using the concept of pressure printing and “the secret law” of historical canon page layout. The plates were wrapped around the drum of the Vandercook no.4 printing press and printed. My research  investigated the canons of traditional page proportion used in traditional book design. … Continue reading →

Art, Art, Volume 6