pig 4As a first timer at the VAASL 2014 Annual Conference in Roanoke, I was surrounded by my two favorite things: books and people that love books! I was shocked to discover that there was even a pig, a male pig, named Daisy, who loved sharing the joy of reading with kids. Farmer Minor, Daisy’s friend,  was such a pleasure to talk to and I loved meeting his Pug Puppies and Daisy.  Check out all of the great things Farmer Minor does at this site: http://daisyminor.com  As you can tell from the tense smile in my picture, I was a little nervous about being so close to Daisy: not only was he sticking his tongue out at me, but he also gave a very angry sounding grunt just as the picture was snapped. No worries, Daisy just didn’t feel like being hugged and was letting me know it. I learned so much at the conference. I have already gotten my 6th grade English students hooked on Neal Shusterman’s book, Unwind. I have shared great presentation sites with my PLC from the “For the Love of Technology” session that I attended. My PLC and I will be using these sites for our PBL.  I really enjoyed this conference and will try to attend again next year.