Monthly Archives: May 2017

Forest Fires: Help or Harm?

Is it better to contain forest fires through man-made resources and human intervention, or allow nature to run its course on its own? #stopdropandroll – To join the discussion, include #stopdropandroll in all your fire-management related posts! Learn More About … Continue reading

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Efforts are being made to repopulate the Cutthroat Trout in Yellowstone following the presence of a microscopic parasite and the illegal introduction of Lake Trout. How do people feel about the repopulation? Should it be natural or controlled?

Overview The cutthroat trout are a native species to Yellowstone National Park. The trout are originally a Pacific drainage species, their travel into the Yellowstone area was likely through the Two Oceans Pass. In addition to being a native species to the park, the cutthroat trout are very important to the parks ecosystem. They feed […] Continue reading

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Efforts are being made to repopulate the Cutthroat Trout in Yellowstone following the presence of a microscopic parasite and the illegal introduction of Lake Trout. How do people feel about the repopulation? Should it be natural or controlled?

Overview The cutthroat trout are a native species to Yellowstone National Park. The trout are originally a Pacific drainage species, their travel into the Yellowstone area was likely through the Two Oceans Pass. In addition to being a native species … Continue reading

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What Should Be The Fate Of Bison That Leave Yellowstone National Park?

How To Join The Stampede: If you would like to join in on our conversation and share your thoughts, be sure to comment and follow us on social media using the hashtag #jointhestampedeLU. This is a burning issue in Yellowstone and Montana, and your thoughts are an important step in taking action to protect bison. […] Continue reading

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What Should Be The Fate Of Bison That Leave Yellowstone National Park?

How To Join The Stampede: If you would like to join in on our conversation and share your thoughts, be sure to comment and follow us on social media using the hashtag #jointhestampedeLU. This is a burning issue in Yellowstone … Continue reading

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What ramifications does the growing Bison population have on the surrounding area?

Bison have historically roamed across the West since the early 1800s with overall population numbers reaching as high as 65 million at one point. Due to the appeal of poaching and hunting bison, when 1890 rolled around, fewer than 1,000 bison were said to be alive. In the year 1902, a mere 23 bison were […] Continue reading

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What ramifications does the growing Bison population have on the surrounding area?

Bison have historically roamed across the West since the early 1800s with overall population numbers reaching as high as 65 million at one point. Due to the appeal of poaching and hunting bison, when 1890 rolled around, fewer than 1,000 … Continue reading

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Who We Are

We are trout Team 2 and we’re studying Trout and other aquatic invasive species in Yellowstone National Park. This post is so that everyone following our adventure can get to know our pack members! My name is Anna Knapp and I’m a rising Junior from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I’m a Liberal Studies: Elementary Education […] Continue reading

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Who We Are

We are trout Team 2 and we’re studying Trout and other aquatic invasive species in Yellowstone National Park. This post is so that everyone following our adventure can get to know our pack members! My name is Anna Knapp and … Continue reading

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What factors contribute to the aging elk population, despite their adequate reproduction?

Overview Our question, “what factors contribute to the aging elk population, despite their adequate reproduction?” came from our interest after researching elk and learning more than 50% of the elk population is over 9 years old, and the average elk only lives until about 15 or 16. We were interested then if the elk were […] Continue reading

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