How My Learning Has Structured My Own Beliefs

My learning of institutions and concepts have affected my own behavior, attitudes, and beliefs in many ways. The concepts of race as a social construct, institutional racism, deviant behavior, and antiracism have influence me by promoting my awareness, empathy, critical thinking, and commitment to social justice. It has led to a lot of personal growth and a greater sense of responsibility in contributing to a more inclusive and equitable world. The understanding of race has a social construct means recognizing that racial categories are not inherent or biologically determined. This knowledge as led me to be more conscious of the fact that racial categories are socially constructed and has encouraged me to challenge and question stereotypes and biases. Learning about the concept of institutional racism has provided me with heightened empathy and sensitivity. It has made me more sensitive to the systemic inequalities and injustices faced by racial and ethnic minorities. This awareness had led me to have a greater commitment to addressing disparities caused by institutional racism. Having the knowledge of deviant behavior has helped me understand that deviance is often a socially constructed concept influenced by cultural norms and societal values. This awareness has led me to reduce the tendency to stigmatize and stereotype individuals based on their behaviors or appearances. Lastly, being knowledgeable about deviant behavior, I have developed a deeper understanding of the factors that lead people to engage in certain behaviors or experience discrimination. This understanding has also led me to foster empathy and a more compassionate attitude towards others. The knowledge of anti-racism strategies and movements have motivated me to actively combat racism and discrimination. It has inspired me to talk to people who have discriminated and critically evaluate what they say and engage in constructure conservations about race and social issues. 

Overall, these concepts have provided with me with a better commitment to change, critical thinking skills, personal growth, and have inspired me to become an advocate for social change. The knowledge of these concepts encourages me to have better critical thinking skills. I have become better at critically evaluating information, challenging stereotypes, and engaging in constructive conversations about race and social issues. They have also motivated me to actively combat racism and discrimination. They inspire me to take actions that promote equality and social justice in my social life. These concepts have contributed to my own personal growth by challenging my own biases and expanding my world view. They provided me the knowledge I needed to reevaluate my own beliefs and attitudes. Lastly understanding these concepts have inspired me to become an advocate for social change and to educate myself on community efforts aimed at addr3essing racial inequalities and promoting a more equitable society.

How will my skills and knowledge benefit me in my career?

My knowledge and skills with benefit me in my career of a deputy or a victim/witness advocate. They provide me with an understanding that being more culturally aware and sensitive is important when serving diverse communities. This with help me better communicate with and understand individuals from difference racial and ethnic backgrounds then myself. My awareness of institutional racism and the impact of biased within the criminal justice system will help me mitigate my own biases during my career. This will help me to have impartial decision-making in my interaction with the public. Knowledge of all of these concepts can help me support the community through my policing efforts. They will help me build trust and rapport with the community which is crucial for law enforcement. They also provide me with an understanding of social dynamics related to race and discrimination that can aid in the fostering positive relationships. Understanding the underlying social factors of deviant behavior improve my ability to de-escalate tense situations and resolve conflicts peacefully as they can be. It will help me address the root causes of certain behaviors rather than just reacting to them. This skill will also help me in mediating disputes, addressing complaints, and ensure that my actions in my career align with principles of fairness and equity. Lastly these concepts will lead me to be a advocate for policies and practices within my agency that prioritize fairness, equality, and work on the elimination of institutional racism.