EDUC 245 (Honors)

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Policy and Procedure: The Impact on English Language Learners, 4/24/2020

This was my presentation that summarized my 10-page research paper on English language learners.  It was a semester-long research assignment on any topic of our choosing, as long as it had something to do with child development.  I was utterly terrified of this assignment at the beginning because I had never done anything at this level before.  It was also in APA format which I had zero experience with.  I chose this topic because I wanted to be more knowledgeable about the experience of English language learners in the classroom, in addition to wanting to learn what policies were already in place for these students.  As a future teacher, I was very passionate about this topic so working on it did not feel like a chore to me.  However, it was difficult to find the best way to word my research question in a way that prompted the best results on the academic databases.  Luckily, my professor was very helpful in giving us tips and tricks to tackle such a big assignment.  By the end of it, I felt very accomplished of my work.

I experienced many challenges throughout this assignment.  Aside from the amount of content necessary to satisfy the page requirement, I struggled with staying in APA format.  Most large writing assignments I have written have been in MLA, so it was difficult to switch over, specifically with citations and headings.  Now, I feel much more comfortable to use this style in the future.  I also saw lots of improvement in my research capabilities.  Before, I would just search through the Greenwood Library Resource page, but now I know how to go into the individual databases to get more specialized results.  In the future, I hope to continue research on this topic as well as have more confidence in my writing.