
What are the current statistics of exercise?

When asked, “40% of people thought they were getting enough exercise when in reality 64% were meeting the guidelines” (Duffy, 2019, p.31). 

People often experience barriers to exercising such as the following: weather extremes, safety issues with walkways, loose animals, and poor lighting (Sequin et al., 2014).

it was found that people often underestimate their physical activity and incorporate physical activity in activities they already participate in like walking their animals or household chores (Sequin et al., 2014). 

This underestimate strengthens the argument for needing more community health nurses teaching patients about the basics of nutrition and exercise and the need for individualized plans of care that are tailored to their own lifestyles. 

What are the benefits of exercise? (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014)

Helps control your weight.

Reduce your risk of heart disease.

Helps manage blood sugar and insulin levels.

Helps quit smoking.

Improves mental health and mood.

Improves thought and concentration.

Strengthens bones and muscles.

Reduces risks of some cancer.

Improves sleep.

Where do I start, I’m new?

A great idea would be to consult your primary care provider. It is essential to have an understanding of your own personal goals and knowing how to exercise properly to prevent injury. In addition, it is important to have a yearly check-up to have a good idea of your personal health. In these check-ups there is an opportunity for the following: preventative vaccinations, vital signs check (especially important to monitor blood pressure for cardiovascular health status), weight check, blood levels check (especially cholesterol), and other health preventative and screening measures to ensure your health.

Set personal goals that are SMART (Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Bound) with you provider.

Include friends and family in your goals to make it fun and have accountability.

Keep track of the progress made by documenting weight checks, blood pressure checks, or even a food diary.

Make this process enjoyable and find activities that are fun for YOU! The goal is for health and happiness within this journey!


Health Resource- Not sure what health promotion activities you should be doing each year? Type your age and answer a few questions and this website gives a list of health promotion activities that important to participate in at your age.

Exercise resource- You may be new to exercising and just don’t even know where to start. Here is an excellent resource on explaining the basics of exercise.

Nike Training App– Exercising does NOT mean you have to have a lot of money or even a gym. This app runs you through different types of exercise workouts and allows you to create goals and track your progress. Then you will have an accurate picture of how much you are actually working out. Watch this video to see more about this app.

Track exercise– This may be done on a device through an app like Nike Training Club, Fitbit, or Apple watch. These will give good exercise recommendations and also helps you keep track of your progress. If phone or these watches are not available to you that is okay! Another way to keep track of this would be on a calendar or a journal and writing down the exercise, the intensity and the duration of the exercise and how you felt afterwards.

Gym- Joining a gym is beneficial for exercising because they have coaches available and equipment that may not be feasible to have in one’s own home. In addition, there are workout classes that are helpful to be held accountable. If this is the first exercise experience, the teachers are helpful in teaching a routine and maintaining correct form during a workout.

Exercise videos- If finding a gym is too expensive or not something that your interested in there are FREE workout videos all over youtube and the internet. There are endless options: yoga, cardio, boxing, pilates, running, beginners workouts, body-weight workouts, and the list goes on and on. If you don’t have equipment at home there are so many options on the internet of exercise videos. Click here for an example of an excellent teacher on having no equipment workouts.

Everyday activities– You may be getting exercise every day through things you are ALREADY doing. Start your exercise diary and you may start to see that you have been exercising this whole time and don’t know it. Some examples of exercise are these: walking animals, household chores, yard work, and so many other activities!