I want to include a plan or schematic for how Longwood handles their economics.
- Shows how longwood is helping Farmville grow with the money they bring in
- Helps understand how we spend money over the years to improve our community and make the improvement of education increase.
- Help understand the money spent over the years with Longwood students and also faculty.
- Helps with the understanding of our surrounding community and how we spend our money on uses during the years.
- Informs people on how small businesses develop and how they focus on their efforts to become bigger and more stable overtime.
Types of Employment – Longwood University
- Different jobs that are available through longwood
- States that Federal Work study jobs are the major employers
- Also shows different jobs like Community jobs through Farmville, Community service program, and college work study for those who do not have federal work study
- Helps the understanding of the vaccination.
- Shows the requirement of what you’ll need to stay around yourself and also others on campus.
- I want people to understand the safety of our surrounding population.
- Help students understand how they can be helpful in the community if sick or not.
- Educate people on what they need to know about the real world and how they can change the future by just listening.
- Different salaries of Longwood employees
- Helps see where most of the money goes and how it is divided based on title and section
- Also allows us to see where the economic power lies with in Longwood