This page will include an infographic to better represent the make up of our Longwood community.
Longwood University has a total enrollment of approximately 4,840 students with 3,940 being undergraduate students and 900 being graduate students. Longwood students come from 38 states and 20 countries.

By racial ethnicity, Longwood has roughly 2,558 White, 350 African American , 191 Hispanic, 168 Multi-Ethnic, 52 International, 29 Asian, 2 Native Hawaiian, and 81 Unknown students.
The full-time Longwood undergraduate population is made up of 67% women, and 33% men. About 91% of full-time grad students are women and 9% are men. Virginia residents makes up 95% of the students that go to Longwood, while the other 5% of United States citizens attending the university are from Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.