Letter To Senior Self

Dear Senior Ariel Birkholz,

Congratulations on making it this far! I know now it will be a tough ride throughout the years, trying to complete all the required courses while keeping the stress at bay, but I’m sure looking back, it was worth it. Hopefully there are things you’ve learned from prior years and classes that make getting through it a little easier, and a lot more organized. I hope you’ve finally figured out what you want to do in Psychology and have stuck with it no matter how hard it gets, because I know how much this means to you. Have you found a job yet, somewhere to maybe settle down, or are we more the type to want to keep moving, exploring. I hope by now you have more confidence in yourself and your abilities, and have fixed at least one of your many, many (sadly) flaws. Understand when I say this I don’t mean to put you down but to remind you that there are always things you can be working to improve – don’t give up on learning, there is always a time to grow your knowledge even after all these years of schooling. Don’t keep hurting yourself and stressing yourself out by always waiting the last minute, among other problems. You know after the fact how that makes you feel yet you can’t help yourself, can you? I really hope this is the first thing you addressed. And if it wasn’t, why not start today?

Have you been able to be more involved in the community. I know during freshman year you were really upset not being able to be involved in any clubs or volunteer anywhere because of how far you lived away from campus. Just remember there is always time to be a part of something and to help the community. It doesn’t just stop after graduation, I hope you won’t let it. I know how much you enjoyed volunteering all those years ago and hope you have felt that again. And how were your classes, your academics. Did you continue pushing forward as best you could to ensure you wouldn’t be ashamed of the grade you recieved, or did you slack of the farther along you got through college. I doubt it’s the latter. If I know me, which I hope I do, you would never let yourself do less than what you have always strived for, less than you know you can give, than you are capable of.  Were you able to join any clubs? I really hope so because I know how much you wanted to be involved, these years passed by fast, didn’t they? I hope you were able to be involved and make many memorable moments and friends that will stay with you for years to come. Don’t let it all pass you by while you’re too focused on your academics. We both know grades are important to us, but so are connections – don’t ever forget that. Don’t put school or your career over your life – allow them to work in tandem, you’ll be happier for it, I’m sure.

You didn’t come all this way to fail now! Continue to strive and succeed in life and in your career like I know you can. Make us proud. We wouldn’t accept any less, after all.

All my (and your) love,

Freshman Ariel Birkholz