CTZN 110-55

I took CTZN 110 Bodies and Citizens to complete the Inquiry into Citizenship Foundation in the Fall semester of my Freshman year. I chose this citizen class because of how it seemed to be focused more on addressing gender/sex topics when concerning citizenship. I like how this class was able to give me different perspectives on the topic of citizenship, and how it delved into more areas which normally wouldn’t be addressed for a citizenship class. Because it was a small honors class of only 12 people, there were also a lot of chances for group discussions to get everyones take on what was read or watched, as well as having other students answer questions raised, so it seems more like a collaboration and discussion rather than just being lectured to by the professor about the information.

We dealt with a lot of different subtopics and eras in this class when talking about citizenship, and to help put all of that into perspective in different topics, for the final we had to create our own class based on a topic talked about in class at any time. Doing this project and finding all these different sources on my topic, Sex Ed., I was able to better understand there are many different subtopics and ideas wich fall under a greater idea, and it helped to better understand where theings stand in the grand scheme, as well as finding valid information to better help educate myself and others. Even with all I looked up and found, I know that there is much more about the topic that I am unaware of, and need to remember others may know stuff which I don’t, and there is nothing wrong with having others teach me on something they are more knowledgeable on.

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Final Project – Fake Class Syllabus; Ariel Birkholz; 10 December 2020.           A syllabus created for a fake class, addressing Sex Ed. to help people understand many different areas in this topic and how important it is for people to learn about.